Monday, January 19, 2009

WTF #1

I've been waiting for my first installment of WTF here on the blog...looks as if I didn't have to wait long!

This past Sunday I had to go to the local Sears store to locate a self-bleeding kit (found an air bubble in the clutch line on my '74 BMW 2002, "Betty"). Anyway,  I'm walking over to the tool area and count no less than 7 associates working the immediate departments.  Seven!  The number of associates outnumbered the customers almost 2 to 1!  I nonchalantly walk through the tool area twice, however I hadn't been approached once to see if I needed help.  Normally I'm fine with that as I really don't like salesmen...of any kind.  Anyway, I happen to be in an area where three of them were talking when an elderly lady walked up and asked the 'gentlemen' if they could look something up for her and show her when it might be located in the store...since they work on commission I expected them to do the 'proper thing' and escort the lady to the area in question and help her out.  Well, what I was expecting and what happened were two completely different of the three men standing there just pointed to another area of the store and said 'over there'...nothing else, just that.  It was clear that the lady was an annoyance to them and it was too much effort for them to their F'n job to HELP THE CUSTOMER!!   

Dumbfounded, I remained standing there (just out of visual range, but close enough to hear what they are talking about) when one of them piped up "...yeah, I mean there needs to be another zero at the end of my paycheck...I'm sick of working like a dog all the time and getting little money..." and the others just muttered in agreement!  WTF!!!  Just ten seconds prior they were totally rude to the nice elderly woman that requested their help and yet they want more money for doing nothing!  Come on!  The entire time I was there (approximately 20 minutes) I wasn't approached once...yet there were SEVEN associates working in that small area!!!  Grr... in case you can't tell this behavior really gets under my skin...

Seriously though, with today's economy the way it is and the labor force becoming more anorexic by the day, you would think that the 'light bulb' would go off in their head where they would realize that they are lucky to even have a job right now, let alone complain about not being paid enough for little-to-no work! I was upset enough that when I checked out (in another section...did you seriously think I was going to give one of those idiots a commission after that?) I informed the store's manager of what I had witnessed and gave him a small piece of my mind in the process (i.e. with enough people out there hungry for work, the store might be better off with 'new blood' that's motivated rather than the lazy/rude behavior I witnessed). So the moral of the story is, be careful in your attitude at work as it just might mean the difference between dinner on the table, or waiting in the unemployment line.

Thanks for reading,


  1. You think that is bad, just go to a wal-mart, see how dirty the store's are, then try to find an associate to ask a question. I had to get a dremel at ours and couldn't find anyone. When I did find one she said she would just page someone, no one showed up, so I went looking again. I saw a very large guy standing stareing at a wall of stuff doing nothing, but wasn't sure if he worked there, so while he was looking at me, he never asked me if I needed anything so I though maybe he was just a creepy, large guy. Then a lady walked by, with a badge, I asked her for help, she turned to the large guy and told him to help me! Yup I was a little pissy at that point, but needed the dremel for my hubby's remote control plane that I won for him, so I wasn't going to go store hopping. Everyone acts like their jobs are secure in the department stores, but they really shouldn't be acting like that.
    I work my butt off in school just to make sure that my next job won't be in a department store, but i'm telling you, if it was, I would be doing a 100% job just to make sure that I was never looked at twice for the cutting block. People here are snobs, I can just imagine what they are like in Florida! :)

    (I don't know why, but it wanted my email account to post, so fine, otherwise I would have just put it in facebook again. lol)

  2. It's cool Bill, Don't sweat it too much. We have a couple here (even in the high desert). They come and go as they wish here at the lake. But we find that living around people makes them a lot bolder then a normal coon. You might think that he was not frightened of you because he's used to people (was). You guys and the dogs mean nothing to one that is used to seeing, hearing, and just walking away without a scratch. Most people will run from them long before the other way around. Especially if there is good food involved. Did you ever stop to think about what you ate that was still on the grill? Their tummies are cast iron for the most part, but not infalible. Food left on the grill (especially one's like chicken, and beef) breed a bacteria ground that would make a good horror movie. I've seen the culture's that grow in a day! None of the horror movies we have ever watched can compare to that! (don't go thinking vegitarian just yet either, veggies are worse if not cleaned properly!)

    The best you can do with the little guy is to turn him over to the animal shelter so they can make sure that he didn't have rabies, and it was just something that he ate....

    Yes and always make sure you burn your grill most throughlly before using it again. Bacteria are nasty buggers.

