Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm back...(finally)

I completely dropped the ball with this whole blog thing...well, that's about to change now I'm out of school (Master's degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)...and PME (that's Professional Military Education for you non-military types). I'm sure I'll be entering the next chapter of my PME within months as I'm now one step closer to being selected for Major...guess I'd better enjoy my "down time" while I have it (yeah right). of my old bosses kept telling me that "you'll never have as much free time as you do right now"...uh boss...I don't have any...even when I'm NOT in school!! Seriously, if you aren't 'blessed' to be in the military, it's not a 9-5're on the hook 24/7/365...and 40-hour work weeks are a blessing (50-65 are more the norm). I'll vent about work here and there...I don't want to run you off just yet.

There's been some big events since my last post (gasp...May '09!!!). I've jumped postitions at work a little bit, been on the "chopping block" with regards to my job, our boy Basil suffered a stroke and I became an uncle recently. All events that have changed my outlook on life a little. My new position at work is having my hair turning gray at such a rapid pace you'd think I was in some time-lapse movie. On the same note, the AF decided to get rid of a bunch of folks at my rank level...most of my buddies took the "golden handshake" from Uncle Sam and bailed (I'm envious of them right now...but won't be in 12 years when I'm collecting a steady income for the rest of my life...knock on wood). Basil's stroke had us reeling for a few days...he's doing much better but you'd think he was a drunk dog as he keeps stumbling and falling on the tile floor. It's really heartbreaking when we witness this...and we know it's killing him inside as he's such a workaholic and wants to play with the toys constantly...yet his body just can't keep up with his overactive brain. For those that don't know...Basil is a Border Collie (the most intelligent dog breed) and he LOVES to "work"...his mind is always in overdrive and requires constant stimulation. His favorite thing is fetch...which he would do until he literally keeled over...he doesn't know the meaning of "stop." He's now 14.5 years old (which is REALLY old for a BC)...but you wouldn't know it by looking at him and his demeanor. We know he's on borrowed time and we're very thankful he's still with us. When he does finally meet his brother in doggie heaven, I know he'll be eternally happy chasing sheep.

Finally I became an uncle. Uncle Bill. Has a nice ring to it. I'm very happy for my brother Chuck and his lovely wife Penny...I'm sure little Samantha (aka Mini) is not going to be lacking attention or love by the Ferguson and Lord families.

That's looking back over the big mountains we've crossed within the past year. I'd like to start looking forward and getting back into the passions that once sparked my imagination and kept me awake at night (unlike now, where job pressures and constant chaos are the norm that fuel my insomnia). Of course I'm talking about photography and cycling...and since this is primarily a photo blog I'll try to stick to that (though don't be surprised if I venture off subject occasionally). Stay tuned and lets see what I cook up next.


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